
There are many aspects to, and ways of approaching EI

The videos below are discussions with people who have made significant steps forward in their lives by building emotional intelligence skills.
I hope you find something that is relevant to you.  Certainly there are some quite inspiring changes that people share.

Turning stressful interactions with a government department in to a win-win collaboration

Using empathy to connect with a lonely, upset man in a pub

Creating clarity in love relationships through understanding each others feelings and needs,

From childhood trauma to addiction to prison. Turning a life around by building emotional skills.

Healing the long term fractured relationship with his Mother

Learning from overpowering triggers to build emotional awareness and healthier responses

Matt on how understanding the role of feelings and needs has created change and benefit in his life

Coloring Nepal With NVC

Sri Ram Timilsina in Nepal is bringing EI and Non Violent Communication skills to people in Nepal.  He and his helpers have introduced more than 50,000 people to the concepts.  Presenting at schools, women's groups, youth groups, community leaders groups, Mayors and Vice-Mayors of Eastern Nepal and anybody else that shows an interest.  He is currently providing communication and mediation training for Judicial Committees across Nepal, local committees that handle local low level legal issues.
To see his truly remarkable story and project, you can use the URL below to see an interview I do with him.