Our Services

Find below a service that meets your needs.

If you can't, please contact us to see what might be possible.

One-on-One Coaching

Accelerated Learning and Skill Building

Can be done via video on the internet, phone or meeting in person.
This is the quickest way of gaining insight and building understanding and skills.  Working with your immediate needs makes the session feel very authentic and relevant.  It also allows immediate exploration of anything that comes up.
Charges are are decided by discussion.

Couples Coaching

Recovering and Building the Relationship

Can be done via video on the internet, phone or meeting in person.
Couples need emotional intelligence understanding of what is happening in their relationship.  This provides the setting for recovering if the relationship is stressed.  Couples also need support for building skills to sustain the relationship.
The sessions also allow immediate exploration of anything that comes up - this is very beneficial.
Feeling safe and supported is a key focus in the sessions.
Charges are are decided by discussion.


Small Groups to Large Groups

Building Emotional Intelligence will be running workshops, either in person or on-line as the demand requires.

If you have interests in specific topics, please contact us.


Training, Coaching, Problem Solving

Increase your organizational emotional intelligence skills and improve your communication and teamwork.  Addressing the human barriers that arise in a workplace improves the ability of people to effectively communicate and to take action focused on the needs of the organization.
We can support individuals and teams.

Contact us to discuss what you would like to achieve and how that might be implemented.

Free Initial Consultation

To Help You Get Oriented

It can be difficult knowing how to move forward with the challenges you want to tackle.  A 20 minute online video consultation may give you the clarity you need.

Contact us to book a time.  Subject to availabiity.